Local Planning Applications
While Caston Parish Council is consulted on all local planning applications, the final decision rests with Breckland District Council. The public have a right to comment on planning applications and when commenting, the following factors should be considered:
Please tell us how you are affected by any of the following planning matters:
Loss of privacy
Scale of development
Design and appearance
Highway matters such as concern that the proposal would increase traffic and parking
We cannot take into account comments on the following types of concerns:
Loss of value to the property
Commercial competition
Loss of view
Land ownership disputes
If you are concerned about any of these matters, you may wish to seek advice from a solicitor or the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
Caston Planning Applications
to see Breckland's Planning Applications for Caston. Includes applications awaiting planning decisions as well as decisions made along with the notes of the planning officer and the reasons for the decisions.
You can also see the actual plans too. Click the green button above it will take you to the Breckland site in a new window as shown below
Then follow this simple procedure.
1. Click on the drop down box and choose Caston as shown.
2. Click the Search button to reveal the full list.
You can click on any text shown in blue and underlined.
If you wish you can also make comment on-line to Breckland if you have concerns or if you wish to add approval to any planning application. An individual neighbour comment will carry far more weight than a petition signed by many.
You may also lobby members of the parish council, their contact details are here You may additionally lobby members of Breckland's Planning Committee whose contact details are here.
A telephone call and/or a personal email to individual members can have considerable influence.
The following is a document from Breckland District Council outlining reasons that may affect the development of a site:
THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PROCESS (Dealing with Planning Applications) The Planning process is established, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, to protect the public from the unacceptable activities of the private individual. Unless there are special reasons to do otherwise, planning permissions "run with the land", and are NOT personal licences. Planning is primarily concerned with issues of land use, and the way uses, and development affect the environment. The main issues to be taken into account are likely to be: (provided that they relate to planning):- • Government Guidance and relevant legislation • Regional Plans • County Structure Plan and Local Plan policies • Views of our consultees including Town and Parish Councils • Sustainability • Land Use • Visual matters • Noise and smell • General matters of neighbourliness • Road safety and Parking • Drainage - both foul and surface water • Site history The factors to be used in determining applications will relate to the effect on the "public at large", and will NOT be those which refer to private interests. Neighbour disputes often relate to "spoiling my view", or "interfering with my light". These are PRIVATE matters, and will not figure in the assessment of the application. Similarly, the personal circumstances of applicants "will rarely" be an influencing factor, and then, only when the planning issues are "finely balanced". The following comments are often made, but should NOT be taken into account: "The applicant worked hard for the village" "The applicant's family was brought up here" "The applicant's daughter is very ill" Factors which are controlled by other legislation and by other bodies should not be used in weighing the balance of "pros and cons" in a case. Preliminary discussion We encourage potential applicants to seek our advice as to whether their proposals require an application, and so that we can explain the main issues which are likely to arise.' G:DcctteeWORDDATAPHILT&PCTPC 29-04-04.doc |